First things first: The title of this post may not seem true for well-established businesses. We all likely know of large businesses whose owners we wouldn’t necessarily consider to be “disciplined”. However, the reality for those examples is that they didn’t start that way. For any business that achieves lasting success, it came about because the founder had this all-important trait: self-discipline.
This truth occurred to me during several coaching sessions in the last six months. While working with start-up business owners tackling difficult decisions, the solution came down to working smart yes... but also working hard. I was reminded of the early days in my own business where the day started early, and I showed up to an empty office with only me, my laptop, and a phone. Nothing to do other than contact potential clients in hopes of getting the opportunity to serve them. I’m not saying that there weren’t any high points, but it certainly took self-discipline to get through those days.
I was also reminded of the valleys in business and how it took re-invigorating that discipline to get through the low times. When business was slow, sometimes there wasn’t much we could do other than work harder... and more. I would set my alarm clock for one hour earlier, and physically move it as well so that the snooze button was out of reach. Simplistic? Yes. Effective? Yes! No one ever said success had to be complicated or glamorous. Sometimes it just takes the most basic acts to get back on track.
I’m not writing about this to brag about my actions. Rather, I write it to be real about what it takes to succeed. If you have self-discipline, you can work to save the resources you need to make your business a success. If you have self-discipline, you can push yourself to put in the extra effort for the time it is needed to make your business a success. In a nutshell, through self-discipline you can delay the gratification that comes from spending money or time on something now, to achieve greater rewards later. Self-discipline, when focused in the right direction, leads to success.
If I can be of assistance to you on your journey, please contact me through our Contact Page.
Until next time, I wish you the absolute best in all your endeavors.
Mark Goldman